Thursday, June 27, 2013

Just Say No

Every day I feel pressured to do what is wrong. It's because my son and I run a business that is frequented by those who live without Jesus. Their perspective and wisdom is different than my reality. Their first priority is what benefits them so if that means they need to break a few laws for their own convenience then that is what they do. Overall they are great people but even great people do wrong things for the wrong reason.

Often, because I decline their "short cuts" to success and prosperity, I am considered unwise and even stupid. They don't mean to be mean, it is simply how they see it from their perspective. For them it is never a question of right and wrong but the difference between what you have to do because you can get caught and what you can get away with because no one will ever know. But those of us who serve our righteous God know that what is done is always known.

Yet, we who serve Jesus do not do the right thing out of fear but as a response of love. Yes, God always knows but we also know him as someone greater than a judge of all things. This is our Father, who dearly loves us and desires to see us mature into Jesus and who wants to pour out his blessings on his children. He tells us simply to walk in his ways and, as a heart response to his great love, it is what we desire to do.

Going back to yesterday's scripture:

God blesses those people
    who refuse evil advice
    and won’t follow sinners
    or join in sneering at God.
Instead, the Law of the Lord
    makes them happy,
    and they think about it
    day and night. (Psalm 1:1-2)

It is not a chore for me to do what is right. I don't consider it a sacrifice. I have no desire or longing to get ahead by taking short cuts. I do not begrudge the government it's taxes. I live in this country and live by the benefits I receive as a citizen. But I also have a greater citizenship and I enjoy even more the benefits from a greater country. It makes me happy to walk in God's ways. It brings joy to my soul to obey his righteousness. I like doing what is right because I know I bless my Father by doing it.

I want to overemphasize this point because it is important: I cannot rob a person or a government of what belongs to them and then claim that God has blessed me. No, I have blessed myself by taking what does not belong to me.God's blessings do not flow in such a heart and such actions will be judged even if that judgment is not today. The children of God cannot claim to be following God if we are simply following the actions of sinners. If you are able to cheat on tests, keep stolen money, cheat people out of what is not yours, take short cuts, then you really need to examine yourself to see where your roots are connected. It is impossible to live such a life and be rooted in Jesus.

Do what is right and you will see the blessings of the Lord flowing through you. Refuse evil advice. Don't follow sinners. Don't mock God. Allow your heart response to our Father's love be a desire to live by his righteousness. Choose good over evil according to God's definition, not man's. God knows what he has planned for you, do you? If you do then you will never be tempted to set aside the righteousness of our God.

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