Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Are You Tempted To Build A Monastery?

As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ it is getting harder to live peacefully in this world. Everyone seems to be doing what they think to be best and it is quite the mess. There is such a temptation to run to the hills, to circle the wagons, to build high walls and hide. When things get messy the tendency is to want to separate ourselves from the mess. But that is avoidance not a solution.

Most people like simple and easy but my experience is that we will never allow simple to be easy. Jesus always knew that we would be facing a mess. It is the reason he told his disciples that in this world they would have trouble and sorrows. He said it is the reason he was giving us his peace. We are intended to live in a state of peace while facing a world of chaos. Check out the end of John chapter 16.

We are facing a society that no longer aligns with Father's heart. Truth be told, most people just stopped pretending and brought into the open what was being done in the dark. Unfortunately what is now done in the light is also now taught as normal and acceptable. But what else do we expect in an unbelieving world? At least now we know what we are dealing with and have to learn how to walk in it without normalizing it. And yes, we do have to live and love in this society.

I know the pull is to just shut the door but we can't because our purpose is to "love and value our neighbour as we love and value ourselves". The writer of psalm one spoke truth when he said that delight would come to us when we don't keep step with the wicked nor share in the way of the rebellious nor sit in the scorner's seat. Instead our delight would be found in obedience to our Father's heart. Yet, at the same time, Jesus commanded us to go out into the world. He told us to teach people everything he taught.

It is an interesting dynamic we have with the world now because there was a time when the Kingdom and the world seemed to match up. Or were we just confused? Jesus told us that we can't afford to be double minded. James told us that flirting with the world's values amounts to adultery, that we can't afford to be friends with the systems and values of this world. We are called to live according to the higher values of the Kingdom. So where does that leave us?

Well it doesn't leave us in a place of hating people. Most of them are deceived, unable to see their condition and need a true friend. It doesn't leave us in a place where we join in with them, become like them and celebrate their rebellion. We have to walk through the sewage as we walk along with them but it doesn't mean we need to drink the stuff.

We are in this world to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, to live so Jesus is revealed, to love who our Father loves. The greatest values of the Kingdom we live are love, respect and honour. Our calling is to fulfill the royal law, "You must love and value your neighbour as you love and value yourself". This does not mean that we agree with our neighbour but we do not have to agree with them in order to love, respect and honour them. But I guarantee you it does mean walking with them as a friend until the Holy Spirit convicts them of the need of Jesus.

The world is a scary place for believers right now but we are not alone. We cannot fulfill our calling if we are reacting in hate because of fear. There is no place for fear in our lives. It's the reason Jesus gave us the gift of his peace. It is not our place to correct, convict or condemn this world. That's the Spirit's job. We need to relax, live, teach, demonstrate what Jesus taught and showed us. How we live and love has the greatest impact on our neighbours and the world. We need to learn to look past the situations and see the people who Jesus went to the cross for, so that they too can enter the Kingdom. But it's not going to happen if we are building walls. 

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