Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Division In The Body Explained By A Bunch Of Cobras

Recently I heard a great lesson taught that included the event of Aaron's rod turning into a Cobra. As I listened to this great lesson the Spirit suddenly applied it in a different manner. He used it to highlight the growing division in the Body of Christ. Yes, as much as we are seeing strains put on certain societies during these days of pandemic we are seeing strains in the Body. When something is put under pressure the weakest points begin to reveal themselves. 

You recall the "rod to Cobra" sign found in Exodus 7. This was the second time Moses and Aaron were meeting with Pharaoh. In anticipation of Pharaoh not recognizing Moses' authority Yahweh had trained Moses in a couple of signs. The first was to throw down his staff and it would transform into a Cobra and then when he would pick it up again it would transform back to a staff. So Moses had Aaron throw down the staff. I am not sure Moses was prepared for what happened next.

Pharaoh looked at this sign of authority and immediately called for his spiritualists. Each one of them threw down their staffs which also transformed into Cobras. But the Lord demonstrated his authority over all things by having Aaron's Cobra consume all the others.

In our current age we have not done well in developing our relationship with the Lord. We have all the tools. We worship, we study, we fellowship but we fall short in actually understanding relationship. We don't understand that Dad just wants to hang out with us because he enjoys us. We reserve certain times of the day for him never realizing that he is always with us because he wants to be involved in our day. He enjoys ongoing conversation and so do we once we get use to it. But our failure in this means we are not overly familiar with his heart, his ways and his voice.

So, what does this have to do with Cobras?

Jesus said that we would know the Spirit intimately and for the most part we don't.* But we do know that the enemy makes counterfeit moves. The Cobra is only one example. The Lord transformed one staff and the enemy transformed many. Now because we lack the discernment that comes in intimacy with Spirit, we run away from all Cobras. We avoid them at all cost and call them all works of the enemy and are ready to stamp them into the ground.

A portion of the Body has made it their purpose to act as exterminators to rid the land of all the phony Cobras. But they lack the intimacy to have the discernment to know the difference so when they attack the Cobra they have no idea if they are attacking the Lord or the enemy.

Remember when the disciples were complaining about the man who was casting out demons when he was not part of them? And what did Jesus tell them? He said leave him alone because who ever is not against us is for us. Check out the end of Mark 9. We spend far too much time on worrying about the counterfeit to the point that we lump the authentic in the same category. Consider Moses.

Moses didn't freak out and swear off miracles and signs after seeing the counterfeit. In fact it appears that Moses didn't say a word or blink an eye. He simply stood and watched as the authenticity of Yahweh consumed the feeble-minded counterfeit. The enemy came to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give life. If something brings life and gives God the glory then what are we doing attacking it. If it has come to steal, kill and destroy it will become apparent. What are we doing when we set our sights on things we don't agree with or that we don't understand? We are joining the "steal, kill and destroy" column. 

Stop being afraid of snakes. All we are saying to the world is that we don't trust that Dad can take care of his own. Does he need us to steady the cart when the oxen stumble? I don't think so. And by attacking the snakes you could be coming against Dad himself and that never turns out good. Just stand and watch the authentic Cobra consume the counterfeits.

Don't forget that we have been given another test for the authentic besides the discernment of the Spirit : love. Many of the ministries I see being attacked these days have demonstrated authentic love for Jesus and his people. These ministries recognize the source of their blessings and seed huge amounts of money into other ministries. They are consumed with building up and never tearing down. They make it a point never to speak against another ministry and where there is problems they come alongside to help, not to destroy. Can we say the same about those who seem to relish in passing on bad reports that are nothing more than gossip? They will know us by our love not by our doctrines. (Not saying good doctrine is not important only that they have no value without love).

I feel bad for those who see it as their life's purpose to tear down others. All the scripture I read tells us to be occupied with lifting up, building up, encouraging, supporting one another. Looking for counterfeit Cobras under every stone and around every corner can mess you up. If the the Spirit does point something out to you (make sure it is the Spirit) it is so you can pray for the situation or that person, that Jesus will be glorified in it or them.

I know these words won't make much of a difference in the divided and fractured Body but it will share with those I love what I received today and maybe help them see what I see. In writing these words I feel a release of something that was building in me this week. You and I can disagree and still love each other because the Lord is the Lord of us both and he will bring correction wherever it needs to be applied. 

*John 15:16-17 And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Savior, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be to you a friend just like me—and he will never leave you. The world won’t receive him because they can’t see him or know him. But you will know him intimately, because he will make his home in you and will live inside you.

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