Wednesday, April 23, 2008

They Will Be Done

Good morning friends,

Have you had things happen in your life where you have questioned God why? Perhaps they were things that did not make any sense to you, that caused you to question the wisdom of God. The death of a parent can cause such questions or the lose of a friend. The failure of normal things that are suppose to work a certain way often can cause us to feel frustrated or angry. But hold on. If you are a Christian and truly believe that God is in control of all things, should we not trust him? Easier said than done.

Our problem is that we often say with our mouth that God is in charge of all things but in our thinking and actions we often show that we think God is not overly active in our lives. Perhaps we think we are insignificant in his scheme of things. Perhaps we are only here for decoration and other people, more beautiful, intelligent, talented people are the real stars in God's Kingdom. Such thinking can destroy the greatness God has knit into us as we were formed in our mothers' wombs.

The fact is that God is very much occupied with us and is using us to accomplish his purpose. Note I said his purpose and not our purpose. Consider Hannah for just a moment. Here was a woman who went through the embarrassment, pain and torment of not being able to conceive. In fact the Bible tells us that God had actually closed her womb, would not allow her to conceive. She was a dedicated worshiper; she loved God; she prayed, but still nothing. From an observers perspective God would not appear to be very just. However, Hannah was part of a bigger plan without knowing it. God had to close her womb until the proper time because he was going to give her a son that would become the leader of Israel during a very dark time. But, the timing had to be right.

Do you stop to consider that very much? Do you stop to consider God's timing, his need for proper timing in order to have the right people in the right place at the right time? Jesus taught a lot about obedience because how is God suppose to conduct his plans if his servants are constantly arguing with him. When we argue it is because we do not truly possess servant hearts but are wanting to impose our will on God's plans. We want what we want without considering how this may impact people around us. Even worse is when we do consider the impact but we just do not care and decide what we want is more important than other people's needs or God's purposes.

Some people become bitter because they do not get what they want or they deny God's love for them because it does not appear that he cares. They have asked for healing yet they remain sick. They have asked for financial help and yet they remain poor. They ask for a child yet they remain barren. They ask for a spouse and yet remain single. They ask that the teacher will be sick and yet he shows up. :-) We do not stop and consider that God has a purpose in these things. Honestly, as servant's of the Lord Jesus Christ, how much do we love him? Enough to submit ourselves to the will of the Father, in joy, even if it means lose and pain for us?

The whole universe is hinged on the Father's will, yet we see no reason to submit ourselves to it. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Does this sound familiar:

"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ..."

Thy will be done? Really?


Anonymous said...

Gods will is always perfect

Brandon said...

I dont like people who our impatient. I agree God has a purpose in everything. PP where do you get these ideas about students Praying for their teahcer not to come in.....he he he

Kendall said...

"Easier said than done" is exactly what people think. If we do that it like sitting in a room and do nothing until you here what your supposed to do, but nobody wants to sit and do nothing

Niki said...

haha! u had to add that bit about the teacher didn't you... but it's true... we never stop to look at the big picture...

Ray said...

*gasp!* How did you know that I prayed for the teacher to be sick?? ... :P ... anyways,I also wonder how many people think that maybe their prayer is not getting answered because the timing is not right... I think everyone would better off if they just stopped and thought that there might be something more important than what they want...

Olivia said...

God seems to have a thing with timing...but it does suck to wait around, even if it's for somthing good to happen...and we need another poll :P

audrey said...

i aggree that timing if very important with God. the only thing we have to remember is that our timing is not the one that is important! its god's !!

Naomi S. said...

God always gives us what we need when he sees fit. When God doesnt always gives us what we ask for right away, it does seem like He hasnt answered our prayer. But sometimes he does answer right away. It is hard sometimes waiting, especially if, say.....I don't know....uuhh...lets say, you have a fever of almost 42C(over 100F), you can barely move, and feel like you are about to die. But God does answer our prayers, just not always in the way we want him to. As the song goes, 'God is great, but sometimes life ain't good. And when I pray, it doesn't always turn out like I think it should, but I do it anyway', now if we all could be like that, and remember that God doesnt always do things the way we think he will.

Stephen said...

yeaaa I don't think i've actually ever prayed for one of the teachers to be sick, but I agree patience is important, because if you think about it time is in almost everything, you can't even move without time, or breathe, or do anything =O

sasha said...

I think God does his thing (things we needs)when the its time for it.In th bible they say there's a time for everything on the earth.