Sunday, September 16, 2012

When Life Seems Too Confusing ...

Are you a bit confused? Join the club. There are a lot of things in this world that don't make sense. A lot of contradictions. At times life can be very complicated because our hearts can be complicated. Never forget, there is a battle raging over you. Your heart is the object of that battle.

Life is as complicated as we allow it to become. It is all a matter of decisions. Some decisions that we need to make we don't want to make because it means closing certain doors we do not want to close. Yet, by not making those decisions we are making a decision, and that is very sad.

If anything in life we should be decisive. Make the decision and live with it. No regrets. Just live with the consequences of that decision. But what if it is the wrong decision? How can we be certain that it is the right decision? Seriously, what if, after making a decision we realize it is the wrong decision? My only advice in this is not to follow your heart, because often it is corrupted by a selfish nature. You need to follow our measuring rod, the only real guide we have in this life: Jesus.

Measure your choices and decisions against Jesus. Consider what he has taught us. Consider his example. Consider his purpose for us. Consider if our decision adds to his glory or takes away from it. Listen to the Spirit, understanding that the Spirit will never go against the Word of God.  Always be governed by Jesus' directive to love.

We get into trouble when we don't consider our decisions, we just react. Whatever we "feel" like doing we do. We allow our emotions, our loves and hates, likes and dislikes, pleasures and discomforts, to dictate our decisions. We filter perspectives with opinions and prejudices. Then, when things turn ugly, we are completely baffled by it.

Now, about that question: What if we do make wrong decisions because of our foolishness? Live with it. Seriously, we all mess up. We all occasionally get distracted and take our eyes off of Jesus. We all allow our emotions to get the better of us from time to time. We all make bad decisions. We shouldn't but we do. Living your life in regret will not benefit anyone. Say sorry. Ask for forgiveness. Repent. Do what you can to make amends in love and then have faith. Trust God.

Yes, even in our bad decisions God is sovereign. There is nothing wasted in the Kingdom. Our God is far greater than anything we can imagine and we are simply told, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". (Romans 8:28). This is found in the passage that explains that we are more than conquerors through Jesus. That means that we are overcomers. Through Jesus we overcome even our bad decisions by having faith that God turns everything to his advantage.

Grace is no excuse to sin. It is no excuse to sit back and put no effort into living for Jesus' glory. It is no excuse for reactive decision making in your life. Grace covers all things that fall through the cracks of our living for Jesus. This prevents regrets. It does not excuse an unrepentant heart but it does give us hope when we do repent.

This was not the blog I intended to write today. It was suppose to be part 2 of yesterday's blog but these are the words that evolved as my fingers flowed across the keyboard. It means these are the words you needed to read today. Take it to heart. Consider whether your life is governed by Jesus, whether every decision you make is weighed by his example. Consider that he has given you everything you need to live a life that glorifies him so make your decisions accordingly. I leave you with the words Peter was given to write, inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit:

"If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." (1 Peter 4:11)

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