Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Passing On The Story Of Your Family's Spiritual History

There is a reason why our Father gives us occasions to  store away testimonies of what he has done; he knows we easily forget. We could be facing disaster today, call out to him and have testimony of his rescue. But next week something similar could happen and we are once again filled with fear and anxiety because we forget what he has already done for us.

Remembering is important in our developing relationship with our Father and in our growing understanding of how the Kingdom functions. He takes us through things so that we will develop, grow, mature and gain testimony to teach others.

"But be on guard and watch yourselves closely so that you don't forget the things your eyes saw and so they never leave your mind as long as you live. Teach them to your children and your grandchildren." (Deuteronomy 4:9)

We understand the importance of teaching the instructions of the Lord to our children and grandchildren but in this case it is the testimony that we are told to pass on. We are to tell our  children and grandchildren about our story with God. We are suppose to tell them of what God has done, answered prayers, miracles, interventions, rescues, provision. They need to know more than theory, they need to hear the practical application of being a child of God.

It is more than the testimony of your salvation moment; it is your ongoing story of you and your Saviour. It is about your spiritual growth. It is about your increasing revelation. It is about the Lord's constant interaction and intervention in your history.

Yesterday I was in Walmart with my wife and I saw a baby's album for grandmothers. I scoffed at it at first because I thought it was an album for recording things about the baby. I figured it was just another thing to make money but when I looked inside I realized its true value. It wasn't the story of the baby but of the grandmother to pass on to the baby. It was all about the family history so the baby would understand his roots.

This is the idea of passing on your testimonies, what you have seen and experienced with God; your family's spiritual roots. Every family needs a book of testimony!

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