Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Clear And Present Danger

How dedicated are we to the Lord? Jesus really challenges us on what dedication looks like when empowered by love. He told us that we can't love anyone, not even our own children, more than him. He asked us of what benefit it was to gain the whole world and yet lose our soul. James warned us against being double minded and even told us that being friends with the world systems is to be an enemy of God. But this idea goes way back to the beginning.

Eve demonstrated a double-mindedness. She was able to tell the serpent the truth when he tried to cloud the Creator's instruction, but knowing the truth is not enough. Knowing the truth she still considered the value of the fruit, meditated on it and with one swift act switched allegiances. Love empowers us to obey so it tells us there was a weakness in Eve's love and dedication.

The people of Israel constantly struggled with faithfulness. Even though they had clear evidence of Yahweh's presence and love they still longed to by like other nations. They were unique in their culture, society, laws and worship. The Lord told them that it was unheard of for a nation to change their god and yet here Israel was trading their glory for something that had no worth. Just as the enemy convinced Eve to reject the Creator to possess what she already had, so Israel was convinced to trade the invaluable for the worthless.

In the end Israel had shrines on every corner, was making sacrifices on every high place, had household gods in every home, was sacrificing children, had converted Yahweh's temple to accommodate the worship of other gods and yet were still bringing worthless sacrifices to him. Is it any wonder that he felt sick at the sight of them?

We have been redeemed from the failed state of the false prince of this world. We have been transformed so that we have the capacity to love by the principles of our King as citizens of his Kingdom. We are to live fully dedicated to him and his mission but it is a state of growth. This means our dedication increases as does our knowledge and our love. This is only possible because of love. Our love for Jesus empowers us to walk in a relationship of obedience, dedication and trust.

However, there is a reason why Jesus asked if he would find faith in this world on his return. It is not difficult to become double-minded, to try to live by two systems, two governments, two heads. We categorize some things as sacred and other things as common, some things as supernatural and other things as natural. So we live some activities to the Lord and other things to ourselves. When we do this there is a failure to understand the superiority of the Kingdom over the principles of this world. We live two minds and begin to limit our King's impact in our lives and the lives of other people.

We belong to the Kingdom of "all things are possible for him who believes" and the Kingdom of "I can do all things through him who gives me strength". He is the Father who desires everyone to be saved and paid the prices of his Son to make it happen. He has invited us to himself through his Son and invites us to join him in this great mission of redemption. And the King told us that obedience is a simple matter when it is empowered by love. We need nothing else but him. We do not live for ourselves but that our King may live through us.

We cannot afford to live with a desire for the Lord and a desire for the principles of this world. We are told to make a choice before Jesus has to spit us out of his mouth. Sitting on the fence will never make the cut. Make a choice and do not be deceived thinking you are okay just because it looks like you are a follower of Jesus. Dedication to the King requires everything that you are and everything that you have. Our Father cannot be mocked.

Make no mistake about it, God will never be mocked! For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest.The harvest you reap reveals the seed that was planted. If you plant the corrupt seeds of self - life into this natural realm, you can expect to experience a harvest of corruption. If you plant the good seeds of Spirit-life you will reap the beautiful fruits that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit. - Galatians 6:7-8

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