Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Peaceful Sleep

Good morning my friends,

So how secure do you feel? If we look at Psalm 4 we will discover why David was the way he was the majority of his life. He felt secure:

I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, O LORD,
make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8)

It is the same security that Jesus offers us. It is the security that is found in a solid relationship, when we know that Jesus is occupied with our lives and that he desires nothing but the best for us. By best I mean those things that will develop us and prepare us for eternity. This security assures us and allows us to live a life where we are filled with peace, even when everything seems to be going wrong. So what is the opposite of this?

If peace is the fruit of security what is the fruit of not being secure? David gives a hint of that:

In your anger do not sin;
when you are on your beds,
search your hearts and be silent. (Psalm 4:4)

Uncontrolled anger is often the result of a sense of insecurity. We all get angry from time to time but a person filled with the peace of God finds a constructive use for that anger. People who often feel insecure do not know how to use their anger in a constructive manner and often hurt people, either with their tongue or with their fists.

Often for students their source of insecurity relates to their future. As they get closer to leaving High School they begin to have much more anxiety about what they will do and who they will become. Their future can look very dark and lonely. However, this changes in the security of their relationship with Jesus. If they have a real relationship with him they are able to accept some facts:

- Jesus loves them and wants nothing but the best for them
- he has a plan for their lives
- they have a purpose that was knit into them from birth
- Jesus has promised to be with them forever

As the Bible says, If Jesus is for us who can be against us; and, Greater is he who is in us than he that is in the world. It is time to let go of your fear and anxiety that are produced by your insecurities. Discover what real peace is by resting in the Lord. He hold syour future.


Niki said...

It's very hard to deal with anger. You really just have to find a way to stop and cool down. But it's very hard to do that when you're trying to get ready for school or work, and you're already running late...

Brandon said...

Jesus always makes us safe. Anger is very bad for everyone. Somtimes it leads to murder, but with Jesus that wont happen.

Anonymous said...

ya i didn't know that anger is a sense of insecurity. i think that makes sense.

jessika said...

When Jesus is in your heart, that's when you can truly be secure and be at peace with yourself

audrey said...

this is great encouragement! insecurity can sometimes be overwhelming, but God's peace is always there for us! :)

Kendall said...

Anger is something that can make you go insane but if we have Jesus in our hearts and peace of mind, body and spirit anger will flee like a person driving a car running from the cops.

Naomi S. said...

Nice one Kendall. :P. *sigh* What can I say that has not already been said by those who have gone before me?.... Being uncertain about ones future can be quite unnnerving. Insecurity is a terrible thing.