Thursday, May 8, 2008

Totally Missing The Point

Good morning my friends,

We must be careful of our perspectives and what we assume. We read today how what one man assumed ended up costing him his life. He was an Amalekite and he was at the last great battle of king Saul. According to his story he was there when Saul was wounded and the enemy was pressing hard upon him. According to his story it was him who Saul had asked to kill him which, according to his own words, he did. Yet, that is not what we witnessed yesterday. So why would this man lie about such a thing?

Most likely he happened to come across the body of the king before the Philestines had found it and did the evil things they did to it. He saw an opportunity and took it. From his perspective David would be pleased with anyone who brought news of the death of his "enemy" and also brought him the crown. He probably saw a reward or possible career advancement. He assumed this would be good news. He completely misread the whole thing.

Imagine how confused he must have been when the whole camp of warriors started to mourn. Imagine the shear terror of seeing armed warriors ripping their tunics and screaming out in pain. Imagine the mix of confusion and terror as he was rewarded for this news by a sword through his body instead of coin in hand. At least the confusion did not last for long.

This was the difference between the perspective of those raised on the ordinances of God and those raised on self. The Israelites understood the importance of honouring God's anointed and allowing God to bring discipline to those he has called. Today we have lost much of that. We see pastors and elders more like businessmen. We do not understand the thing about the anointing. We do not understand about the respect due, not because of the man or woman, but because of God's choosing. We do not understand that God brings discipline to those whom he has called. We want it to be a man made discipline, bordering on revenge, but God's discipline is so much more effective.

We need to be careful not to assume and we need to be careful that we have a Kingdom perspective, based on the ordinances of God, and not a perspective of self. This is a tough thing especially for young people raised on the standards of this world. However, we have been given the Spirit who teaches us the difference between the holy and the common.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


audrey said...

trust. thats the best thing to do: trust in God's plans for your life and dont try to achieve them yourself.

Ray said...

Grr.... I really hate it when people assume things... I try not to assume anything about anybody, because people have done that to me before... of course, even if I do assume, it PROBABLY won't cost me my life...

jessika said...

Learning how to trust God's plans for your life can be hard,but it's something that we must all do.

Anonymous said...

ya we must never assume things with out knowing the whole story. and not to lie. but i think u could lie to save your life or someone else', i would lol.

Olivia said...

Wow...I'm with Naomi...that is a really horrible way to die...

Brandon said...

The guy must have not kept up with the news I mean did'nt saul bring david into his palace again and the people had to know why he was brought back. So the people had to know that David would not like saul dead.

Kendall said...

Perspective is one thing that not much people use. They do things without seeing what might happen to you if you do that thing. (i admit it i do it to....sometimes)

Niki said...

Wow... this guy assumed, lied, and then died... So I guess that teaches us that we should get the whole story first, and even then not lie... so that we can live! Poor him though... he never saw it coming... well, if he did, he didn't see it for long...