Monday, November 19, 2012

Understanding The Nature Of The War, Mighty Warrior

Everyone wants world peace but it isn't going to happen. As long as the enemy is here we are going to be involved in this war with many battles ahead of us. What is important for us is to understand the nature of this war and the battles we are engaged it. How can we be effective if we don't understand what we are doing and what we are up against? The nature of it is this:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12)

There is more to it than what you see. To the enemy people are nothing more than pawns in his battle against God. He uses everyone who belongs to the dark as pawns in this great war but he cannot use us. We are not his pawns because he cannot control those who are covered by the blood of Jesus. He will try to scare us, intimidate us, confuse us, even discourage us but he can't touch us or use us. We are the object of God's affection and he hates that. We are filled by the presence of God and he hates that. We smell like Jesus and he definitely hates that.

As we are engaged in battle it is important for us to remember that those who are lost in the darkness are still the objects of God's affection. Jesus died for us while we were still sinners and he died for the entire world. Each person is a potential Kingdom dweller. We are not out to kill them or even destroy them but the dark influence that is over them. In fact, their salvation is the reason we fight. They are just puppets and they have no idea what is going on. But we do.

We need to grasp this picture of a great realm of darkness at work in this world. We do not fear it. We stand against it. We fight for people not against people. We use the full armour of God to take our stand in the place God has given to us and we fight for the people God has placed in our lives. We do not pray for the destruction of governments but instead we pray for their salvation. We never pray against a person but for a person. We pray against the darkness as we hold out the Light and Hope to this world.

Just be aware that the enemy is always looking for ways to discourage you. You must be aware of this in order to defend against it. This morning I woke up to the thought of setting aside my writing and preaching, of quitting, just walking away. There was a great spirit present trying to discourage me when I was the weakest, when I wasn't fully awake and when tiredness creates openings. It is only as I turned to the Word this morning that such thoughts were sent fleeing as I encourage myself in the Lord. With the Sword of God in my hand I remembered who I am in the Lord. Those thoughts did not belong to me but were ploys of the enemy.

Pay attention. Be aware. Be on your guard. Stand your ground. Fight, warrior of God! Fight against those dark realms. Pray without ceasing.

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