Thursday, May 28, 2020

Shame On You?

It seems to be our nature to want to control people while defending our own freedom. From birth we want to be in control and we want others to meet our needs. Children learn from a young age how to manipulate adults. I am not saying it works but children fight for control over their environment. Adults are no different and one of the many tools in our arsenal of control and manipulation is shame.

You have been a victim of shaming as have I and, if we are honest, we have used this tool ourselves to get people to behave as we think they should. It is a horrible feeling to be a victim of it, but it also feels powerful to use it. Some people have even graduated from the master class.

Shaming is the tool of choice in this age of social media. It is used to control anyone who steps out of line with the current social norms. I think we all agree that it is ugly to witness and we may even speak out against it but it is very effective with politicians, celebs, corporations and the average joe all bending the knee to the pressure.

But is this a Kingdom tool?

I have heard many preachers using this tool to try to control their people. The Church as a whole employs this tool to control society. But is it pleasing to our King? Does it line up with Father's heart? Are we even suppose to manipulate and control people?

When I returned to the Lord at the age of eighteen years old I came as a prodigal son. When my King showed up in my bedroom that wonderful morning thirty-eight years ago, my rebellion was glaring in the light of his glory. I threw myself to the floor, face buried in my carpet, wrecked by shame, tears of remorse flowing freely. But the shame did not come from my King. The shame was my own. It was how I made myself feel, and rightly so.

My Lord only showed me his glory, his goodness and love. He wanted me to know his desire for me. In light of this I felt shame for my rebellion. But Jesus did not leave me there. As quick as shame had come upon me, his love and forgiveness washed it all away. He lifted me off the floor and he turned my mourning into laughter.

Shame is not part of the Kingdom. It is not a tool of my Father. It cannot be what I use.

When I read the Scriptures I see again and again this same method that Jesus used with me. He just shows up and reveals the glory of his love, mercy, grace, compassion and his desire for the lost and rebellious ones. We, his people, citizens of the Kingdom, the children of Father, are to lift up Jesus. We are to declare his glory to the nations. We are to preach freedom to the prisoners. We are to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. There is only One who convicts the lost about their rebellious ways and he does it by showing them a greater love.

There is enough shame being thrown at people. Let us show each other and the world that Father's ways are the best. "While we were still lost in our rebellion, Jesus the Christ died for us." 

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