Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Real Danger Of Covid-19

It has been some time since I have tried my hand at blogging. Let's see if I can shake the dust off these fingers of mine by asking the question "do I have anything to say?"

COVID-19 has been around for a few months now and most of us have grown tired of keeping our distance. We are seeing out governments slowly removing the restrictions because they are realizing we have to learn to live with this virus. It is a tough call because the risk is potentially high, but we all need to get on with living.

This is the reason I felt somewhat joyful the other day as I listened in on the daily briefing from our provincial government. I was in the car running some errands when I heard them announce that they were permitting outdoor gatherings of up to ten people from no more than three households. My first thought was, my son and daughter could come over this Sunday. It has been three months.

I have three grandchildren, two of whom live within thirty minutes of me, but I had not seen them for three months. That is an eternity of time in a small child's development. I felt a warmth inside of me at the thought of seeing them.

So many people have paid a very high price to slow down this pandemic. People have died separated from those who longed to sit by their bed. No last embrace. No goodbyes. So many people have been hidden away, groceries delivered, sofa sitting, television fatigue. Long lines outside of stores. Cheap gas with nowhere to go. Lots of different thoughts running through my head as I processed this new information.

When I arrived back home I noted a small gathering of people on my neighbours front lawn. He's a really nice guy. I got out of my car just in time to hear my neighbour come out of his house. "Hi dad." "Hi son." I almost started to cry. What?

Life is not about careers, accomplishments, wages. Life is not about houses, cars and possessions. Life is about relationships. Young or old. Rich or poor. Male or female. Black or white. The thing we all need, want and long for is connection. We need to be connected with people who love us and who we love in turn. We need people who "see" us and appreciate us. We need family and friends, not for context but for purpose. We were created that way.

We were created for relationship. Our Creator made us to be in relationship with him, to love him and to be loved by him. It is the foundation on which everything else was built. We were also made for each other; to love. We are complete when we love our Creator and we love each other. So it seems the government almost destroyed us in their attempt to save us.

I don't blame them and I don't accuse them. They were and are in a very difficult place. Yet, there is a point where we just have to start living again. Some would point to the economy and the need to get back to work. But I point to my neighbour. I point to his front lawn. I point to his simple greeting with his son and I say in that we find life. In that we find our purpose. In that we find our joy.

We need each other. 

We were created to love. 

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